Friday, March 2, 2018

Armchair Audies: See You In the Cosmos by Jack Cheng narrated by, Kivlighan de Montebello and a full cast

SEE YOU IN THE COSMOS  by Jack Cheng Read by Kivlighan de Montebello and a full cast, including Brittany Pressley (as Terra), Graham Halstead (as Steve), Michael Crouch (as Ronnie), and Jason Culp (as Zed). Additional narration provided by Therese Plummer, Susan Bennett, Dan Bittner, Pete Larkin, and Courtney Shaw
Published by Penguin Random Audio

Kivlighan de Montebello— as Alex this young man carried this book his narration was so well done and authentic I believed every word he said. He was so smart in so many ways yet some things were a bit out of grasp (read the book you’ll know what I’m talking about) but he is just 11 years old and sometimes you forget that. The narration was superb, he has a heck of a future him!

Brittany Pressley—as Tara was the 2nd biggest character in the book her narration was well done too and the two played off of each other well she brought the emotions to life.

Graham Halstead (as Steve), Michael Crouch (as Ronnie), and Jason Culp (as Zed) All these guys did a really nice job some had bigger parts than others but all were very good.

(Thoughts from early in the book)-Sound effects the bleep when there is a new message is a little off putting I keep trying to find the device it’s coming from. This feels more like an audio drama with the sounds affects and all the different voices.
 I did get used to the beeps but this is more of an audio drama with sound effects and different voices, voices that sound like they are on the phone or in the next room and each person was voiced by a different actor.

The story is sweet and sad at times. This is one of those books that could be a Newberry because of the mom and Alex’s adventure all by himself. The older I get the more I find these stories about these small children traveling by themselves and no one seems to notice or care more disturbing than cute. But that is just me I guess.

This was a good story and this kid is way older than his years and he was able to find some adults that helped him out. I did enjoy this book and the story.

4 stars

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